Grace, Pamela

My work is based on drawing and celebrates the small shifts through the seasons contrasting with the continuity of the countryside and the gradual development of established gardens and landscapes.
I enjoy working outdoors where possible, adapting my mode of working to meet the vagaries of the climate. I often take sketches and outlines home to reflect and work on them further, returning to the site several times. I like to forefront the tracery of wild flowers and foliage in the hedgerows against the backdrop of more open farmland.

I am a member of Edinburgh Printmakers and Gracefield Print Studio in Dumfries. My printmaking has evolved from my drawing, sometimes adding hand painted elements. I respond to similar subjects in very different ways when printmaking and painting but my central concerns remain the same. I like to highlight the remarkable detail, colour and texture in small landscapes and corners of gardens that might easily be overlooked.